All pregnancy complications are handled on a case-by-case basis. However, if during your previous pregnancy, you developed preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, blood transfusions, best rest, or any other pregnancy health challenges becoming a gestational carrier could...
Absolutely! When you become a gestational carrier, you become pregnant through IVF. The embryos are placed directly into your uterus during the IVF procedure, so the fallopian tubes are not used.
Whether or not your intended parents will be present at birth is a decision typically made during the development of your birth plan. Your birth plan is typically a plan that is put into place to help parents and gestational carriers make tentative arrangements for...
You are compensated when you become a gestational carrier by the intended parents. The intended parents will also cover pregnancy-related expenses, fertility treatment, legal fees, etc.
As a gestational carrier, you will have no genetic relationship with the child. Therefore, the legally intended parents of the child you carry will be identified in the contracts and agreements regarding your planned pregnancy. In the Baby M case, the woman was a...