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Atlantic Reproductive Specialists
Fertility Preservation: Easy Access

Fertility Preservation: Easy Access

Dr. Walmer and Dr. Copland of Atlantic Reproductive Medicine share how they make it as easy as possible for patients facing chemotherapy for cancer or other conditions that may impact fertility to preserve their fertility. One call will get you started.

For Patients

If you are facing surgery or treatment that could threaten your future fertility in the near future, we want you to know that you have options.  We understand that this is a busy, stressful time. We want you to know that we make it as easy as possible for you to get accurate information and easy access to fertility preservation services.

You may be dealing with chemotherapy or radiation therapy that may impact the fertility of your eggs or your sperm, or you may be having surgery that will impact your fertility. It might be testicular cancer, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer. Or you may not be a cancer patient, but instead are facing treatment for immune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Not all chemo or radiation treatments will affect your fertility, but if your doctor has told you that it will have an effect, we urge you to find out what your options are.

Whether you know you want to freeze your eggs, your sperm, or your embryo; whether you don’t know if you do; or even if you know you don’t want to; our consultation will inform you so that whatever choice you make, you will have made with all the facts available to us in the reproductive medicine field.

Call (919) 248-8777 for more information or to schedule your initial consultation. If after hours, leave a message and the provider-on-call will call you back.

We can have you in within 48 hours either in person or via tele-health.

For Referring Providers

At Atlantic Reproductive Medicine, we commit to accelerating appointments for patients facing fertility-threatening surgery or treatment. We focus on providing personalized care to patients and providers, knowing the stresses that impact both patients and providers. We inform patients about their pre-treatment options with egg, sperm, and embryo cryopreservation and post-treatment options. And we keep you, the provider, informed of progress.

With your patient’s permission, you may enter their information in the form below, invite them to do so, or call us. We will respond as soon as possible and schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment with your patient within 48 hours.


Treatment Options

  • Semen Cryopreservation can often be done the same day, and easily in 2 – 3 days
  • Oocyte Cryopreservation can be done in as short as 2 or 3 weeks
  • Embryo Cryopreservation can be done in as short as 2 or 3 weeks

Call Atlantic Reproductive Medicine

Call (919) 248-8777 and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible and set up an appointment within 48 hours, either in person or via telehealth. If after hours, leave a message and the provider-on-call will call you back.

Fertility Preservation

Egg Vitrification

Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation involves the cryopreservation of sperm or eggs for future use. Fertility preservation is typically done in cases when natural fertility is threatened, such as with ovarian or testicular cancer or due to aging.

Egg Banking

Egg Banking

Egg banking involves the cryopreservation of female eggs for future use. Egg banking includes the collection of eggs from the ovaries via an egg retrieval procedure, dehydrating them, and finally freezing them.


Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo banking involves the cryopreservation of fertilized female eggs for future use. The entire process includes the collection of eggs from the ovaries, fertilization of eggs with sperm in the laboratory, and then finally, freezing of the embryos for storage.

sperm banking

Emergency Sperm Bank

Sperm banking involves the cryopreservation of sperm for future use. Sperm can remain frozen for many years or even decades. When you’re ready to become a parent, the frozen sperm will be thawed and used to inseminate a female egg via IVF to achieve pregnancy.

Egg Vitrification

Egg Vitrification

Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, essentially preserves your fertility at its current state — allowing you greater control over your journey toward motherhood. With the latest technology, women can work around their biological clock, whether its for personal or professional reasons.