Ovulation Predictor Tests: How to Identify the Right Time to ConceiveIf you are a woman with regular monthly menstrual cycles, an ovulation predictor test can give you an idea of when you are likely to be most fertile.  If you have infrequent periods, or have not had any periods at all for an extended period of time, you are experiencing more significant problems with ovulation.   Ovulation predictor tests are not helpful with irregular cycles, and working closely with your fertility doctor is often the key to solving your ovulation problems.

Ovulation Predictor Tests

When you have a regular menstrual cycle, planning intercourse two to three times per week makes sperm available for a coming egg during your fertile window.  If you desire to target a more defined time interval, you may take ovulation predictor tests to help pinpoint the best time to try to conceive.

Ovulation predictor tests indicate when the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine exceeds a given threshold. A rapid rise in LH, an LH surge, generally means your body is getting ready to release an egg.  If you’ve received a true positive ovulation predictor result, you will likely ovulate within one or two days. This will be the most fertile time for you during your cycle.

Getting a False Positive Result

Sometimes you may receive a false positive ovulation predictor reading, when the LH is high but your body is not about to release an egg.

To determine if a positive result is accurate in predicting ovulation, your doctor can test your progesterone levels one week after the positive reading. If your progesterone levels are low in the days following the positive reading, you did not ovulate and your reading was very likely falsely positive.

The role of Medication

Ovulation predictor tests can be very helpful in finding the most fertile time of your cycle. Even if your cycles are irregular or ovulation predictor tests are falsely positive, your fertility doctor can look for causes of ovulation problems and propose treatments to help boost your fertility and increase the chances of ovulation.

Your doctor may make offer ovulation induction with pills and or injections.  Ultrasounds can be helpful to monitor and fine tune your treatment.

Other Options

As long as eggs are available, you and your doctor can work toward a predictable ovulation.  If the reason for ovulation concerns is low egg number, you may want to consider options such as using an egg donor instead.

Ovulation issues may be a roadblock on your road to conception, but by working with your fertility doctor, you may be able to find a potential solution to your problem.