When women of child-bearing age are diagnosed with cancer, they face a difficult decision. If they proceed with treatment, will it affect their future fertility? Will the chemo have side effects that hurt their eggs? And if they don’t get treatment, will they survive,...
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The month has played a key role in making women aware of the importance of early detection and treatment. In 2016, more than 240,000 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis, according to BreastCancer.org....
Even if you’re not ready to have a baby right now, you may want to consider beginning the planning process now. Although age is one of the biggest factors determining whether you will be able to conceive a child, there are a number of things that you can do now...
Age-related infertility may seem far-off, but preserving fertility is something that you should think about when you’re young, whether or not you have definite plans to have children. The age-related decline in fertility is a natural part of a woman’s life cycle that...